There are a few things I'm working through right now (in my mind) and one of them has to do with a long lost friend. Someone I became really close to at one point. I haven't seen or heard from her in over 5 years, and the last time I saw her was when I ran into her at a store. She was very cold and acted as if she didn't even know me. I knew instantly that something was wrong, this was not the excited bubbly friend I knew. I never saw her upset, and she was always so enthusiastic when ever we got together or talked on the phone. I left the store feeling overwhelmed with sadness and confusion. I didn't know what happened. I replayed our last conversation over and over in my head, trying to come up with some sort of explanation for the way she acted towards me. I couldn't figure it out, everything seemed to be fine. We haven't spoken since that day. I've thought about her many times over the years and lost plenty of sleep over it.
A couple weeks ago I had this dream I got to see her again and I asked her what upset her so bad. In my dream she still seemed upset and didn't really give me an answer. I woke up feeling like I should try to find her. I looked her up on Facebook... couldn't find her. I emailed a mutual friend to ask if she knew where I could find her... no reply.
Another week passed and I was still bothered. Then I had another dream, and in this dream I saw her again and we actually talked and everything was good again. I woke up the next morning feeling totally refreshed and at peace with everything, which was amazing!
This is exactly what the author of this book talks about. She explains that we can do a lot of healing through our subconscious because many situations in life are completely out of our control. So if we can get our subconscious minds to create the outcome we hoped for then it can make us feel as if it really happened. It can provide tremendous healing and much needed closure.
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